Test Your English
A detailed study plan for a decisive progress
We introduce you to IELTS exam preparation
in a well-paced and comprehensive way
Identify the Skills You Need to Improve
Check the 4 IELTS components below:
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Choose the most relevant section or go through all of them.
Where there are tick boxes, please, tick ("x") the one that applies
Mark the items that are still hard for you
Understand the format of IELTS Listening
See how the IELTS Listening Paper is assessed
Analyse your strengths and challenges
Take the Digital IELTS Placement Test
Improve listening comprehension: learn to build meaning effectively while you listen
Become confident with the all types of IELTS Listening questions
Step 1. Review the format of IELTS Listening
Mark the ones that you need help with
Time given
What the IELTS Listening answer sheet looks like
How many sections there are
Number of questions
How many times the recording will be played
Step 2. Master the sound system of English
Learn about sounds, syllables and words
Learn about “minimal pairs” (the sounds that make a difference for meaning)
Learn about native speaker accents (the test may include British, American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand accents).
Step 3. Review the basics of written English: letters and numbers
Spelling rules and exceptions. The writing system.
How to write dates, phone numbers, etc. the numeral system, in general
Most common letter combinations in English
Step 4. Understand the parts of a word, and use them to form new words
Learn to divide basic words
Learn to divide more complex words with difficult sounds or spelling
Practise dividing English into sounds, syllables, words and sentences. You may listen to songs in English and write down the lyrics as you hear it
Learn to understand connected everyday speech, for example, a conversation between friends
Understand and use prefixes, suffixes and infixes
Step 5. Learn to use dictionaries
Become a competent user of various online dictionaries (including thesauri and dictionary apps)
Learn to use offline dictionaries
Step 6. Immersion into spoken English
Understand its rhythm and intonation
Understand and use words with weak sounds or contractions
Learn about syllables and how they help form words
Step 7. Meaning: understand similarities and differences
Paraphrasing - saying the same thing in different ways (basic)
Paraphrasing - saying the same thing in different ways (advanced)
Synonyms - words that mean the same thing
Step 8. Think ahead: predict words and sounds using context clues
Understand context
Understand prediction
Predict what the text is about based on the topic
Guess the meaning of words from sentence structure and context
Predict words and grammatical structures in Listening passages
Use existing knowledge of subject and context
Step 9. What’s new in the text: connect new and old information with reference words
Learn referencе words and expressions
Distinguish new information from the old
Understand a reference expression and what it refers to
Identify main and supporting points
Step 10. Isolating the important stuff: pick out important information from the rest
Practise ignoring irrelevant information and distractors
Understand what information is relevant to the question
Learn and use linking words and their importance for cohesion
Step 11. Increase your vocabulary along with every step
Increase your active and passive vocabulary
Learn over 15 new words every session
Be able to use the words you learn in own sentences
Step 12. Practise authentic practice tests from IELTS Listening Part 1 and 2 (conversations and monologues)
Practise filling tables and graphs
Learn tips for exercises in which you need to complete a missing part
Learn to take notes
Learn how to approach multiple-choice questions and listening out for the required information
Learn how to approach matching questions and success strategies
Learn strategies for the labeling task
Step 13. Practise Listening Part 3 and 4 (education- and training-related context)
Listen to academic lectures
Learn to extract information and summarise it
Step 14. Practise Listening tests
Practise authentic IELTS Listening papers under the conditions similar to the IELTS exam
Please, notice that Digital IELTS has used English Vocabulary Profile to carefully select the most important words and phrases to learn from the various IELTS reading texts that we have created.
Understand the format of IELTS Reading Test
See how the IELTS Reading Paper is assessed
Analyse your strengths and challenges
Take the Digital IELTS Placement Test (link)
Review the different IELTS reading question types
Learn important reading skills and strategies
Reach the target reading speed for your level: around 300 words per minute.
Develop your vocabulary
Gain extensive practice answering IELTS reading test questions
Step 1. Review the IELTS Reading Test format
IELTS General Training or Academic Reading paper?
Time given
How many reading passages are there?
Number of questions to be answered
Assessment criteria
Download an authentic IELTS Reading test answer sheet
Is there any extra time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet?
Step 2. Learn to read passages quickly, timing yourself
Learn to skim read for overall understanding
Learn to recognize important information at first glance
Learn how to make use of topic sentences
Learn other methods for improving reading speed, getting you closer to the target of 300 words every minute
Step 3. Get familiar with IELTS Reading test task types
Learn successful approaches to matching headings to paragraphs or sections
How to approach matching sentence stems to sentence endings questions
Consider tips and advice for approaching note-completion questions.
Learn strategies for approaching diagram-labelling questions.
Learn strategies for questions requiring you to match statements to different categories.
Learn strategies for short answer questions.
Learn strategies for global multiple-choice questions and how to approach them effectively.
Learn how to make a summary
Learn strategies for exercises that involve completing sentences
Recognize and approach other task types
Step 4. True/False/Not given and Yes/No/Not given questions
Learn successful strategies to deal with these question types (with special attention to the “not given” option)
Consolidate vocabulary from the practice tests
Step 5. Practise IELTS Reading
Take timed IELTS Reading practice test with various question types
Step 6. Learn to predict meaning using context clues
Learn how to deal with unknown words
Learn how to use context to help you understand meaning
Step 7. Master scan reading
Practise scanning an authentic IELTS reading passage
Step 8. Learn how to read for detail
Practise reading for detail in order to answer multiple-choice questions
Step 9. Dates, numbers and letters
Learn how to answer questions which ask about dates and numbers
Step 10. Parts of English words and how they can help you guess the meaning of unknown words
Understanding complex words and forming new ones
Step 11. Synonyms/antonyms and thesauri
Similarity and difference in meaning
Recording synonyms and keeping track of small differences in meaning
Thesauri: varying your vocabulary
Step 12. Learning and recording collocations
How to keep track of them: notes and dictionaries
Step 13. Isolating the information you need
How to spot the information you are looking for
How to abstract from the irrelevant
Practice answering questions requiring you to locate information in paragraphs
Timed practice
Step 14. Matching sentence parts questions
Practising paragraph ordering
Consider best exam techniques related to matching sentences
Step 15. Make a comprehensive vocabulary review along with every step
Learn important vocabulary to help with the task types
Consolidate vocabulary from the authentic practice tests
Step 16. Full timed IELTS Reading practice with authentic IELTS Reading papers
Understand the formats of IELTS Writing Module
Understand IELTS Public Assessment criteria and IELTS Writing band descriptors
Understand how to approach the variety of writing questions effectively
Develop key writing skills to make your writing flow and give it structure,
Develop your vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, grammatical range and accuracy
Consider a number of model responses to authentic IELTS writing questions and practise writing your own texts
Practise a process approach to IELTS writing tasks
GT Writing
Step 1. Overview of the General Writing paper
What the format is like (no. of tasks, lengths, appropriate style, topics)
How it’s assessed
How to manage time effectively
How to maximise your marks
Step 2. Understand what you need to successfully complete a task
Understand the importance of analysing the question
Write an accurate overview
Learn to address the task and develop your response accordingly
Learn about register and tone
Learn to write with purpose
Be aware of what your answer should and should not include
Step 3. Understand how to write in a structured way
Learn how to plan a piece of writing
Avoid repetition
Learn about words and grammatical structures that add logic to the text:
Linking words and phrases
Step 4. Understand how to use the right words and structures
Know how to use formal and informal language in letters and emails
Learn and use phrasal verbs
Learn and use collocations
Keep track of new words you learn
Step 5. Understand grammatical constructions and use them in the right contexts
Learn about contractions and when to use them
Practise changing register from formal to informal
Review and use prepositions
Learn how to make a polite request and practice making one
Learn and practise making offers and giving advice
Learn how to use grammar in the right context
Learn and use complex grammatical structures
Learn and use conjunctions
Step 6. In Task 1, make sure that
Your letter answers all the parts of the question
Your sentences are relevant, well-organised
Your writing is clear and coherent
No words were copied from the question
You have eliminated all grammatical, lexical and punctuation inaccuracies
You’ve written 150 words or slightly more and answered the question fully
Step 7. In Task 2
Identify what type of essay you’ve been requested to write
Make a plan and compose an introduction
Express your opinion about the statement
Give reasons for your opinion
Organise your ideas into paragraphs
Link the paragraphs clearly to improve cohesion
Use uncommon vocabulary skillfully
Write 250 words or slightly more
Step 8. Check and correct
Are all of your ideas included?
Are the ideas carefully organised and logically connected?
Is your handwriting neat and clear?
Spelling, grammar and punctuation need to be checked thoroughly
Step 9. Practise, practise, practise! The following tasks are particularly useful
Write a letter/email to a friend
Write a letter/email of complaint
Write a letter/email to a newspaper
Write a letter/email to your boss
Academic Writing
Step 1. View the public version of the Part 1 Writing assessment criteria
Step 2. Understand Task Achievement in Academic Writing Task 1
Analyse Part 1 question types
Learn about the differences between overviews and introductions.
Practise analysing information presented visually: tables, graphs, maps, processes, diagrams and charts
Select and report on all the most relevant and significant features
Learn and practise comparing and contrasting data
Write at least 150 words
Step 3. Understand Coherence and Cohesion in Academic Writing Task 1
Learn about structuring a Task 1 answer
Learn about using Cohesive Devices
Test your knowledge of linking words and phrases.
Practise using Cohesive Devices
Step 4. Understand Lexical Resource in Academic Writing Task 1
Learn about trends and describing them.
Review language relating to describing trends and quantity.
Use collocations accurately
Build relevant active vocabulary along with every step
Perfect your spelling skills
Learn and use phrasal verbs
Keep track of new words you learn
Step 5. Understand Grammatical Range and Accuracy in Academic Writing Task 1
Review rules for using articles
Review and practise using common prepositions.
Review and practise using comparatives and superlatives
Learn about using relative and subordinate clauses
Learn about using complex noun phrases.
Learn about using the passive voice to describe maps and processes.
Practise using the passive voice in Task 1 Writing Answers.
Review and practise using punctuation in your writing.
Learn about using language for making predictions in Task 1 Writing
Step 6. Understand how to successfully complete a task
Understand the importance of analysing the question
Write an accurate overview
Learn to address the task and develop your response accordingly
Learn about register and tone
Learn to write with purpose
Be aware of what your answer should and should not include
Step 7. Understand how to write in a structured way
Learn how to plan a piece of writing
Avoid repetition
Learn about words and grammatical structures that add logic to the text:
Linking words and phrases
Step 8. In Task 2 Academic Writing
Identify what type of essay you’ve been requested to write
Make a plan and compose an introduction
Express your opinion about the statement
Give reasons for your opinion
Organise your ideas into paragraphs
Link the paragraphs clearly to improve cohesion
Use uncommon vocabulary skillfully
Write 250 words or slightly more
Step 9. Check and correct
Are all of your ideas included?
Are the ideas carefully organised and logically connected?
Is your handwriting neat and clear?
Spelling, grammar and punctuation need to be checked thoroughly
Step 10. Practise writing successful answers to authentic Writing Tasks (Tasks 1 and 2)
Make sure they satisfy all the requirements for the task and use a wide range of structures in an accurate, natural and flexible way
Learn about the IELTS Speaking test format
Understand the public assessment criteria and band descriptors for IELTS Speaking
Develop fluency and pronunciation skills
Find out which sounds and aspects of English pronunciation could be the most difficult for you.
Learn to operate complex grammar structures and vocabulary
Gain confidence in speaking English using the latest advances in voice recording technology and the pronunciation app
Take the Digital IELTS Placement Test
Step 1. Review the IELTS Speaking module format
What the format is like (its length, structure and frequent topics)
How it’s assessed
What items you may bring to the Speaking test
How to maximise your marks
Step 2. Pronunciation: how are English sounds made?
Practise pronouncing vowels and consonants
Long vowels
Short vowels
Schwa- sound
Voiced and voiceless consonants
Complicated sounds in English (such as the initial sounds in Ship and That)
Groups of consonants
The English /r/
Practise words that learners normally find hard
Step 3. Putting words together: stress, rhythm and intonation of sentences
Practise sentences with many weak vowels
Learn about chunking and practise producing chunks of connected speech.
Understand and practise natural English intonation
Understand the effect of suffixes on word stress
Understand and practise sentence stress
Step 4. Reviewing useful grammar
Review language for talking about the past, present and future
Review linking words and practise turn-taking
Review the differences between formal and casual language
Review and practise producing contractions (e.g. I’m, you’re, etc.)
Review the weak and strong form of words
Learn and practise phrasal verbs and collocations
Learn and practise discourse markers - useful expressions to organise your speech into segments
Use a range of tenses and structures accurately
Step 5. Review useful vocabulary for common IELTS Speaking topics
Identify common IELTS Speaking topics
Create a way to keep track of the words learnt and used daily
Step 6. Learn relevant exam strategies
Review how to take notes
Practise saying the same thing in different ways (paraphrasing)
Practise dealing with difficult questions
Improve your coherence and give extended meaningful answers
Step 7. Register your body language and maintain good eye contact with the examiner
Step 8. Be polite and friendly
Step 9. Exam practice
Practise answering Part 1 IELTS Speaking questions
Practise making notes and answering Part 2 questions, timing yourself
Practise giving extended answers to Part 3 questions
Complete a full practice of the IELTS Speaking Module
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