A detailed study plan for a decisive progress
We introduce you to IELTS exam preparation
in a well-paced and comprehensive way
Identify the Skills You Need to Improve
Check the 4 IELTS components below:
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Choose the most relevant section or go through all of them.

Where there are tick boxes, please, tick ("x") the one that applies
Mark the items that are still hard for you
Step 1. Review the format of IELTS Listening
Mark the ones that you need help with
Step 2. Master the sound system of English
Step 3. Review the basics of written English: letters and numbers
Step 4. Understand the parts of a word, and use them to form new words
Step 5. Learn to use dictionaries
Step 6. Immersion into spoken English
Step 7. Meaning: understand similarities and differences
Step 8. Think ahead: predict words and sounds using context clues
Step 9. What’s new in the text: connect new and old information with reference words
Step 10. Isolating the important stuff: pick out important information from the rest
Step 11. Increase your vocabulary along with every step
Step 12. Practise authentic practice tests from IELTS Listening Part 1 and 2 (conversations and monologues)
Step 13. Practise Listening Part 3 and 4 (education- and training-related context)
Step 14. Practise Listening tests
Please, notice that Digital IELTS has used English Vocabulary Profile to carefully select the most important words and phrases to learn from the various IELTS reading texts that we have created.
Step 1. Review the IELTS Reading Test format
Step 2. Learn to read passages quickly, timing yourself
Step 3. Get familiar with IELTS Reading test task types
Step 4. True/False/Not given and Yes/No/Not given questions
Step 5. Practise IELTS Reading
Step 6. Learn to predict meaning using context clues
Step 7. Master scan reading
Step 8. Learn how to read for detail
Step 9. Dates, numbers and letters
Step 10. Parts of English words and how they can help you guess the meaning of unknown words
Step 11. Synonyms/antonyms and thesauri
Step 12. Learning and recording collocations
Step 13. Isolating the information you need
Step 14. Matching sentence parts questions
Step 15. Make a comprehensive vocabulary review along with every step
Step 1. Overview of the General Writing paper
Step 2. Understand what you need to successfully complete a task
Step 3. Understand how to write in a structured way
Step 4. Understand how to use the right words and structures
Step 5. Understand grammatical constructions and use them in the right contexts
Step 6. In Task 1, make sure that
Step 7. In Task 2
Step 8. Check and correct
Step 9. Practise, practise, practise! The following tasks are particularly useful
Step 2. Understand Task Achievement in Academic Writing Task 1
Step 3. Understand Coherence and Cohesion in Academic Writing Task 1
Step 4. Understand Lexical Resource in Academic Writing Task 1
Step 5. Understand Grammatical Range and Accuracy in Academic Writing Task 1
Step 6. Understand how to successfully complete a task
Step 7. Understand how to write in a structured way
Step 8. In Task 2 Academic Writing
Step 9. Check and correct
Step 10. Practise writing successful answers to authentic Writing Tasks (Tasks 1 and 2)
Step 1. Review the IELTS Speaking module format
Step 2. Pronunciation: how are English sounds made?
Practise pronouncing vowels and consonants
Step 3. Putting words together: stress, rhythm and intonation of sentences
Step 4. Reviewing useful grammar
Step 5. Review useful vocabulary for common IELTS Speaking topics
Step 6. Learn relevant exam strategies
Step 7. Register your body language and maintain good eye contact with the examiner
Step 8. Be polite and friendly
Step 9. Exam practice
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